Greetings friends and neighbors.
I have something to say to all of the "Karens" out there that get all bent out of shape when someone isn't following some unlawful "mandate" that they happen to agree with. I don't agree with it. I don't agree with it based on real tangible data that I have researched myself. Furthermore, Just because you are ignorant to the information that I have doesn't make my information less valid. I know something because I personally took my precious time to research it not because someone handed me the link. I haven't blindly accepted some spoon fed, virtually unbelievable narrative that makes me "feel" informed and "safe". It is not my responsibility to spoon feed you the truth. You should aggressively seek it too because it won't be handed to you. That's not the world we live in. Part of that world is still The United States of America where I have personal liberty, as do you. So take off that muzzle and those blinders, and get a life. Then live it.
Happy New Year!